Play nice at the airport

Jason Barger wants folks to be nicer to each other at the airport – and everywhere else  –  and he’s written a book that he hopes will convince people to turn off their personal auto-pilots and start paying attention to what’s going on around them.


In the self-published Step Back from the Baggage Claim, Barger describes how a week spent watching travelers in airports convinced him that the world would be a better place if people took a few steps back from the baggage claim – literally and figuratively- and tried to help each other out.

It’s not as woo-woo as it sounds.  People are generally wound way too tight, especially when they’re stuck at an airport or pushing their way up to that baggage claim carousel.

So I agree with Barger: step back and relax.

And if you are at an airport, mellow out by looking around for some art, some new shops, or one of those swanky new airport wine bars.

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